
Running in circles (demo song)

Pop - Rnb Demo Songs / Backing Tracks / Instrumentals
  • Running In Circles (demo song) Demo Songs
    Running In Circles (demo song)

    I’m running in circles (x2)
    This day begins and I'm staring right through my window
    The ashtray is full and I feel like I've been caught in a syndrome
    And I'm trying to become one of the ones that care of no one
    It's a rollercoaster ride now inside my head it can’t be undone
    The petals fall, rattling thoughts going on, I want it
    There's no control, take my soul, make me yours, because I want it
    The petals fall, rattling thoughts going on, I want it
    There's no control, take my soul, make me yours, because I want it
    I'm running in circles,
    I can't decide if you're the one for me
    I need to be loved
    So I can let my spirit free
    I'm running in circles,
    I can't decide if you're the one for me
    I need to be loved
    So I can let my spirit free

This song has been sold. For a new production in the same genre, please get in touch.

I’m running in circles (x2)
This day begins and I'm staring right through my window
The ashtray is full and I feel like I've been caught in a syndrome
And I'm trying to become one of the ones that care of no one
It's a rollercoaster ride now inside my head it can’t be undone
The petals fall, rattling thoughts going on, I want it
There's no control, take my soul, make me yours, because I want it
The petals fall, rattling thoughts going on, I want it
There's no control, take my soul, make me yours, because I want it
I'm running in circles,
I can't decide if you're the one for me
I need to be loved
So I can let my spirit free
I'm running in circles,
I can't decide if you're the one for me
I need to be loved
So I can let my spirit free

All rights reserved.

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